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Stop Global Warming - A WWF Ad

WWF has come out with great ambition of urging mankind to take steps to stop global warming. The campaign of world wildlife fun in Finland has contributed to the awareness of mankind about the biggest ecological problem of the day, which can be minimized by a little careful and thoughtful behavior of human beings.  The habitation problems for animals due to global warming have been highlighted by the campaign through pitiable and somewhat humorous portrayals of these animals.

It is admitted without a shadow of doubt that global warming is a dangerous threat for the wretched animals like polar bear, seal and penguin. The prevailing ecological conditions forebode the coming miserable condition of these poor animals. It has shown by the team of WWF through the portrayals that these animals might inhabit in urban streets due to increasing and habitat-damaging global warming.

A little consideration on the part of human beings can brighten the success of WWF. For example; if you turn off your computer, television and stereo when not using them, it will be a favor to these animals which are being affected by climate change due to global warming.

It is time to think and take action; cooperate with WWF campaign to stop global warming if you have a humane heart.


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