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Photoshop Specialist

Hello Friends,

A good opportunity for Photoshop experts to show their talents. Submit your Photoshop works to us and if most number of people like your work you will be awarded with $ 20.

You have to Submit,

1) The raw or source photo

2) One or more intermediate photos taken during editing

3) The final Photoshopped picture

See the difference between the two.

Ensure you submit the following files,
1) The source photo
2) One or more intermediate photos taken during editing
3) The Final photo
4) Also send us the Photoshop (PSD) file in which we can see your complete work and effort you took in completing this.

All the submitted images will be published in our site.

The image with more likes will be awarded.

You should get minimum 50 likes, (is the eligibility criteria) to win the contest.

The one with more likes wins.

Send your work with a suitable title to " getme@commentexpress.com " with the subject of mail as "Photoshop Specialist" . Congrats !!


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The Best Entertainment Ever with Awesome Collection of Attractive Photographs. Submit your Creative Works and get Paid for that. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT
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